Terminal - ~ Windows Powershell Terminal - nano lorraine.txt ~ Terminal - nano lorraine2.txt ~ nsxiv xmessage file:///home/dogs/goback.html

/home/dogs/img/IMG_20240425_165159.jpg 100% 1/1

our current main lappy's page!- 25/04/2024
Windows Powershell
PS C:\Users\dogs> py -m hyfetch
################  ################   OS: Windows 11 Pro x86_64
################  ################   Host: Login Informatica LTDA LOG-M301H
################  ################   Kernel: 10.0.22631
################  ################   Uptime: 1 day, 1 hour, 20 mins
################  ################   Packages: 83 (winget)
################  ################   Shell: bash 5.2.26
################  ################   Resolution: 1366x768
                                     DE: Fluent
################  ################   WM: DWM.exe
################  ################   Terminal: Windows Terminal
################  ################   CPU: Intel Celeron 3215U (2) @ 1.7GHz
################  ################   GPU: Intel(R) HD Graphics
################  ################   Memory: 3.26 GiB / 3.92 GiB (83%)
################  ################
################  ################

PS C:\Users\dogs> current hyfetch as of april 28th, 2024
Terminal - nano lorraine2.txt ~


We couldn't take yet more Linux bullshit and so we put Windows 11 on this damn thing. Therefore invalidating the Linux window manager aesthetic we're going for in this website, kinda. We can't easily make it as accurate, anyway.

It's nice to just be able to... use my computer. Well, after all the bullshit we went thru with all the updating, re-installing to get to the latest version, bypassing bullshit hardware requirements, installing a system-wide debloater thing, that kinda stuff. After all that, it's nice to just be able to look for a program and download it and install and/or immediately use it. Plus 日本語 input is stupid easy to setup and my games run better and everything is so much more convenient, yadda yadda yadda. Only downside so far is that there aren't any free full-on partition managers we could find and there is the occasional glitch with Edge, but Windows 11 with Atlas OS has been real nice to use.

Plus, with all the developer-oriented crap you can get on modern Windows, we can still Hyfetch! As you can see above. Looking forward to actually being able to play Sonic Generations even more and trying out Pixia. Speaking of which, thankfully GIMP and Paint XP are still options cuz Windows 11 Paint only has anti-aliased brushes and stinky AI tools, and that's no good.

Oooo, they got Always on Top on PowerToys. This'll be useful.

[12 lines read]

^G Help ^O Write Out ^W Where Is ^K Cut ^T Execute ^C Location M-U Undo M-A Mark

^X Exit ^R Read File ^\ Replace ^U Paste ^J Justify ^/ Go To Line M-E Redo M-6 Copy

dogs at dogs-logm301h in ~hyfetch
           .:*****  :=====.                 ------------------
        .:********  :========.             OS: Q4OS 5.4.1-n1 x86_64
      .***********  :===========.          Host: LOG-M301H
    .:************  :============-         Kernel: 6.1.0-20-amd64
   .**************  :==============       Uptime: 5 hours, 19 mins
  :***************  :===============      Packages: 1 (pipx), 2350 (dpkg)
 :**************.    :===============     Shell: fish 3.6.0
.*************:        .=============.   Resolution: 1366x768 @ 60.00Hz
*************.          .============:   DE: Trinity R14.1.1 (x11)
                                         WM: twin
:############.          :==:             Theme: q4os_tstyle02 [Qt], Q4OS02 [GTK2/3]
:##############.      :======:           Icons: q4os-nuvola [Qt]
 :################  .==========:           Terminal: konsole [tdeinit]
  :###############   .===========:         CPU: Intel Celeron 3215U (2) @ 1.7GHz
   :##############     .===========:       GPU: Intel HD Graphics
    :#############       .=========:       Memory: 1.80 GiB / 3.74 GiB (48%)
      :###########         .=====:         Network: Wifi
        .#########           .=:           BIOS: American Megatrends Inc. 5.6 (07/28/2016)
dogs at dogs-logm301h in ~hyfetch thingy as of april 25th, 2024     
Terminal - nano lorraine.txt ~


So, this is Lorraine. Our main computer since 2021 or so, we don't remember the exact year. but it was definitely early 2020s.

It's not the most powerful machine and it's seen better days for sure, but it gets the job done for what we do. It's an good-enough upgrade from a 2GB ram Core 2 Duo machine anyway.

The iGPU and CPU aren't the most powerful but having the Vulkan support and single-thread performance to emulate Sonic Colors at a playable framerate is certainly nice.

Sonic Generations wasn't as sleek, though. In fact, anything involving Wine tends to be painful.

Of course, it had Windows 7 but we quickly replaced it with Manjaro, then we replaced that with EndeavourOS, then we continued on a long never-ending distro-hopping road that never ceases to be a large pain in the ass. We're considering Windows 11 with Atlas OS but the performance might be the same as most KDE distros so we didn't bother for now.

It currently runs Debian-based Q4OS Trinity and it's alright. Debian is ok, it's fine, it's certainly usable. Plus TDE has decent 日本語 support and Mozc is pre-configured. So that's nice.

Lorraine's built-in keyboard wasn't working when we got it and the touchpad is uncomfortable to use. We got tired of the USB keyboard setting off the keys that still worked on the built -in keyboard and so we made ummmm... some modifications. Also we lost the screws. The bottom of the shell doesn't stay on without tape because the battery that we immediately removed bulged it out of shape. Oh, and the hinge mechanism broke. Actually, it's a miracle this thing is even working at all.

We don't have the money for a shiny new SSD right now, so it's still rocking Toshiba spinning rust. Plus we're hoping we get the TV from our sister as it's small enough to be a monitor for a dual setup or replacement. We already confirmed that the HDMI port works. In fact, all the ports work. We only don't have the 2nd HDD caddy for it, so that part goes unused.

All that being said, it's decent as a makeshift All-In-One for sure.

We're lucky to not have snapped off the screen cable anyway...

Well, That's all, yo.

[38 lines read]

^G Help ^O Write Out ^W Where Is ^K Cut ^T Execute ^C Location M-U Undo M-A Mark

^X Exit ^R Read File ^\ Replace ^U Paste ^J Justify ^/ Go To Line M-E Redo M-6 Copy

@cgDIS:-| file:///home/dogs/goback.html
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